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Surviving The Holidays

Surviving the Holidays It is that time of year, where we all tend to get more stressed out than usual. We already have hectic schedules, now add more events, family gatherings, errands, and shopping to your to do list. Cold and Flu season...

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Strengthening your Immune System

Strengthening your Immune System You feel it starting. That tickle in your throat. That tingle in your nose. Then the sneezing starts, you realize you are getting sick. Our typical response is to run to the store and grab the first box...

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Pumpkin Pie Health Nut Style!

Pumpkin Pie Health Nut Style! Many of you may not know that my original direction in life was to be a pastry chef. My love for food and creativity came together in a great way when it came to baking. Now as I am in a much healthier space...

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Entertaining Stress Free

Entertaining Stress Free you have to do to prepare for your event is wearing you out already. Do yourself a favor and take the stress out so you get to enjoy your holidays too. Keep in mind that plans can be simple. Perhaps choose not...

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Essential Oils to the Rescue!

Essential oils to the rescue! I did a Rain Drop Technique presentation this morning for my networking group BING. It was great to see the interest in the benefits of the oils from the group! Great for a cold buster or to relaxe your body...

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Living in the NOW!

Living in the NOW! No one wants to watch their life pass them by. But with everything in our lives moving at a mile a minute, especially during the holidays, it is more than a little difficult to focus on what is happening in the here...

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Immune Health Begins in the GUT!

Immune Health Begins in the GUT! Up to 80% of your immune system is located in your digestive tract, so good digestion is key to helping you feel your best every day! High potency probiotics come in a wide range of formulas and potencies...

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Health Is Wealth

Health is Wealth! In the business world, we tend to take very good care of our tools. Hairdressers sharpen scissors and wipe the mirror; mechanics maintain their tools & sweep the shop floor; the IT department updates the computers...

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Long Lasting Health Goals

Long Lasting Health Goals Everyone is focusing on the New Year: New Year, new you! That is important, however we don’t want to forget that your “new you” doesn’t have to happen overnight. Often we find ourselves expecting instant...

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Seasonal Eating

Seasonal Eating Perhaps you have heard of it and maybe you have not. Seasonal eating is not common in our American lifestyles, due to the convenience the global transportation of produce. Put simply, seasonal eating brings...

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